1. Information according to Section 5 of the German Tele Media Act (Telemediengesetz)

Name of the provider:
Nikon SLM Solutions AG

Legal form, registration, registered office:
The Nikon SLM Solutions AG is a corporation pursuant to the German Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz) with its registered office at Estlandring 4, 23560 Lübeck, Germany, registered in the Commercial Register of the Local Court of Lübeck under the number HRB 23829 HL.

Tax identification number (Section 27a of the German Sales Tax Act (Umsatzsteuergesetz):

Authorized representative:
Sam O’Leary
Charles Grace

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Hamid Zarringhalam

Postal address:
Estlandring 4
23560 Lübeck

Contact details:
E-mail: info@slm-solutions.com
Phone: +49 451 4060-3000
Fax: +49 451 4060 -3250

Website: www.slm-solutions.com

Competent supervisory authority:
German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht, BaFin)

Securities Supervision/Asset Management
Department WA47
Marie-Curie-Str. 24-28
60439 Frankfurt am Main


2. Further information

Responsible pursuant to Section 55 (2) of the German Interstate Broadcasting Treaty (Rundfunkstaatsvertrag):

Emily DeSimone
Nikon SLM Solutions AG
Director of Global Marketing
Estlandring 4
23560 Lübeck

Information according to Section 2 German Service Information Ordinance (Dienstleistungs-Informationsverordnung):

Our general terms and conditions apply to services provided by us. You can find them at www.slm-solutions.com/de/allgemeine-geschaeftsbedingungen. According to the aforementioned general terms and conditions, the law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply. The Uniform International Sales Law (CISG) shall not apply. The place of jurisdiction is Lübeck

Information according to Section 36 German Consumer Dispute Settlement Act (Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz):

The Nikon SLM Solutions AG is legally obliged to refer you to the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform (OS Platform) of the European Commission, which can be reached at ec.europa.eu/odr. However, the Nikon SLM Solutions AG does not participate in any dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board and we are not obliged to do so.

3. Liability

The Nikon SLM Solutions AG is responsible for the content of its Internet pages in accordance with the general laws, in particular in accordance with Section 7 (1) of the German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz). All contents are created with due care and to the best of our knowledge. Insofar as the Nikon SLM Solutions AG refers to the Internet pages of third parties by means of hyperlinks on its Internet pages, the Nikon SLM Solutions AG cannot guarantee that the linked content is always up to date, correct and complete, as this content lies outside its area of responsibility and the Nikon SLM Solutions AG has no influence on the future design. If, in your opinion, any content violates applicable law or is inappropriate, please let us know.

The legal information on this page as well as all questions and disputes in connection with the design of this website are subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.

4. Data protection
Our data protection information can be found at

5. Copyright notice
The texts, images, photos, videos or graphics on the Nikon SLM Solutions AG website are generally subject to copyright protection. Any unauthorized use (in particular copying, editing or distribution) of this copyright-protected content is therefore prohibited. If you intend to use this content or parts thereof, please contact us in advance using the details above. Insofar as we are not ourselves the holder of the required copyright usage rights, we will endeavor to arrange contact with the entitled party.

6. Social media profiles
This imprint also applies to the following social media profiles: